Thursday 16th November 2023, 9.00am-5pm UK time
Friends House, London
Postgraduate Researcher Exchange Sessions: Call for abstracts
Deadline for submission Friday 29th September 2023 at 5pm
ASME’s Education Research Committee (ERC) are very keen to support and encourage our excellent early career HPE research community to share their ongoing work. With this in mind, we are inviting those who are undertaking postgraduate research studies, at any stage, (e.g. PhD, Professional Doctorate, MD, MRes) to submit an abstract to present their work in progress.
The abstract that you submit should focus on the theme of the conference “Alignment matters: from conception to communication”, demonstrating how you have integrated and aligned, or plan to integrate and align your choices of theory, research philosophy, and if relevant to stage, methodology and methods (or proposed methodology and methods).
Your abstract should be no more than 300 words long and finish with a question or topic that you would like to discuss with the audience (who will consist of fellow HPE researchers with a range of experiences).
Once all abstracts have been received we will then shortlist 6 presenters for our Postgraduate Researcher Exchange Sessions, which will form part of RME (those not selected will be given the option to present a poster at RME). The emphasis of these sessions is on discussion and ideas exchange; therefore, you will have 7 minutes for your presentation and 13 minutes will be given over to discussion.
Please send your abstract(s) submission to ERC-Events@asme.org.uk by Friday 29th September 2023 at 5pm. You will receive notification of whether you have been selected for presentation or poster by Wednesday 11th October, 2023.
Submissions are final on receipt, no amendments will be permitted after submission.
For full event details visit: https://www.asme.org.uk/events/rme2023/ or email events@asme.org.uk