What is BMERG?

Bristol Medical Education Research Group (BMERG) is a sub-group of the University of Bristol Medical School Education Committee. It was set up to bring together all staff who have an interest in Medical Education Research both here at Bristol Medical School and beyond. We hope this group will foster a great sense of collaboration between all those involved in the education of healthcare professionals, and how they might evaluate, research and share their innovate work.

Our research spans a wide variety of project themes across both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education delivery including curriculum design and innovation, assessment and evaluation, digital learning environment, equality, diversity and inclusion, student wellbeing and supporting educators.

When did BMERG start?

BMERG was conceptualised in 2022 by educator, Annie Noble-Denny to bring together all of the fantastic work at Bristol Medical School around a wide variety of Medical Education research topics.

What is the aim of BMERG?

We aim to bring together and support all those with an interest in any aspect of Medical Education Research, and showcase their work both within the University and internationally.

What are the BMERG Objectives?

  • Engage and disseminate: Communicate our vision to an internal, national and international medical education audience by publishing high quality medical education research through a variety of media, e.g. publications, conferences, blogs, webinars, etc.
  • Network and support: Build a community of practice across Bristol Medical School and beyond, providing development opportunities for medical education research and scholarship of teaching and learning.
  • Innovate and Inspire: Further knowledge in our field and critically reflect on current educational approaches within the Bristol Medical School and beyond through member spotlight presentations and invited keynote speakers

Who are the BMERG Leads?

BMERG is currently co-led by Sarah Allsop and Steve Jennings.

Who is the BMERG 22-24 Committee?

Annie Noble-Denny
Sarah Allsop
Steve Jennings
Sharon Usher
Andrew Blythe
Claire Hudson
Santi Rodriguez
David Rogers
Liang-Fong Wong
Sally Dowling
David Hettle
Fiona Holmes
Grace Pearson

How can I get involved?

BMERG will be launching a series of workshops and guidance around topics such as publishing, collaborating, and building your profile as an education researcher which will be advertised through our Events page.

You can subscribe to our blog at the side of this page and follow us on X (twitter) @BristolUniBMERG.

Staff and Students at the University of Bristol can also join our Microsoft 365 team, please email us for further details.

How can I contact the team?