Building Community: BMERG is on Twitter

You can now follow Bristol Medical Education Research Group on Twitter!

twitter logo

Whilst there are of course many different social media platforms that offer ways of collaborating and learning, you will find on twitter most of the big medical education associations and publishers, along with many educators and researchers who share practice ideas through their content. So for now at least, twitter remains a great platform for connecting with the rest of the Medical Education community.

BMERG will also be regularly sharing news and events from Bristol through its new twitter account, as well as highlighting the work of other colleagues from around the world with ideas on best practice in Medical Education. Follow us at @BristolUniBMERG

Not sure who to follow?

If you are new to twitter, here is a list of a few great medical education feeds to get you started:

  1. Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals, Bristol @TLHPBristol
  2. Incubator for Clinical Education Research @ClinEdResearch
  3. Association for the Study of Medical Education @asmeofficial
  4. Developing Medical Educators Group (DMEG) @DevMedEd
  5. The International Network for Health Workforce Education @INHWE_Network
  6. The Academy of Medical Educators @MedicalEducator
  7. International Association For Health Professions Education @AMEE_community
  8. International Association of Medical Science Educators @iamse

Which other great medical educators, researchers, associations and organisations would you add to the list? Add your ideas in the comments below.

BMERG News: BMERG wins Award from ASME

BMERG has won an Award from the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) to launch the work of the group across the next academic year

Flyer of winners of ASME Educator Development Awards from ASME 2022

We are thrilled to announce that the BMERG team have won an Educator Development Award from the Association of Medical Education (ASME).

These sought after awards are aimed to provide funding to support educator development. We look forward to sharing more about how this funding will support us to build and develop the community of practice to support excellence in Medical Education Research at Bristol in the coming months.

Read more about the awards at: Recipients of the 2022 round of EDC Educator Development Awards Announced

The BMERG Blog

Introducing BMERG

Sarah Allsop
Profile Picture Steve Jennings

By Sarah Allsop, Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at Bristol Medical School and Steve Jennings, Lead for the MSc Programme at TLHP, Bristol Medical School

Welcome to the blog of the University of Bristol Medical Education Research Group, from Bristol Medical School.

This Group aims to bring together all staff who have an interest in Medical Education Research both here at Bristol Medical School and beyond. We hope this group will foster a great sense of collaboration between all those involved in the education of healthcare professionals, and how they might evaluate, research and share their innovate work.

BMERG was conceptualised by our School Education Director, Annie Noble Denny to bring together all of the fantastic work at Bristol Medical School around a wide variety of Medical Education research topics. BMERG is co-led by Sarah Allsop and Steve Jennings. Both are happy to be contacted about the work of the group at

Our research spans a wide variety of project themes across both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education delivery including curriculum design and innovation, assessment and evaluation, digital learning environment, equality, diversity and inclusion, student wellbeing and supporting educators.

Over the course of the next year, BMERG will be launching a series of workshops and guidance around topics such as publishing, collaborating, and building your profile as an education researcher.

You can subscribe to our blog at the side of this page. More blogs, news and events coming soon.