Group run by academics from University of Bristol Medical School with an interest in Medical Education Research. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not of Bristol Medical School or the University.
Did you know that November is Academic Writing Month? In this blog Sarah Allsop invites you to join this international initiative to commit to writing this November and build a writing habit for the future.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
What is Academic Writing Month?
Based on National Novel Writing Month, since 2011, Academic Writing Month (also known as “AcWriMo”) has run as an annual internet-based writing event during which participants challenge themselves to meet a self-set writing goal during the month of November. AcWriMo was set up in 2011 by Charlotte Frost (founder and director of PhD2Published). Several institutions now have annual writing months or ‘WriteFests’ and you can follow the movement on social media using the hashtag ‘#AcWriMo’ or ‘#AcWri’.
PhD2Published highlight 4 main aims of the month:
To think about how we write,
Form a valuable support network for our writing practice,
Build better strategies and habits for the future,
And maybe – just maybe – get stuff done!
How do you get involved?
AcWriMo is a personal journey and commitment to writing, so how you get involved is up to you. The concept is that you set yourself a writing goal and then can access advice and support from others also taking part.
There are 6 basic rules:
Decide on your goal – a paper, thesis, project etc.
Declare it – write it down to help to stay accountable
Draft a strategy – have a plan of how much time and when you are going to commit to writing
Discuss your progress – let others know you are doing writing month, again to help your motivation and accountability
Don’t give up – stay focussed to achieve your goal and don’t get side-tracked. If you miss a session you had booked for writing, that’s ok, but don’t let one missed session derail your whole commitment.
Declare your results – share your successes however small – every step is a step further in your writing journey, and importantly announce your final result. Why? The writing community benefits not only from sharing successes but also knowing and learning from what did or didn’t work and being reminded that, we’re all human!
Where can I find out more?
Lots of institutions have writing events during November. Here are just a few to get you started:
BMERG also offers short writing support sessions that run through the year as ‘Shut up and write‘ sessions for all University of Bristol staff and students. For more information on these please contact
Why don’t you make a commitment today to writing throughout November, and add it to the comments below?
BMERG is really pleased and proud to share that Bristol’s Alice Middleton, Carys Gilbert, Philippa Dodd & Isabel Rimmer, from our Gloucester Academy at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust have been awarded the Technology Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group Annual Scholarship Meeting Oral Presentation Prize for their presentation,
“Low-Tech, High-Yield; the utility of virtual patients using simple presentation software“
In the next of our hot topic blogs, Dr Fiona Holmes from our BMERG committee talks about what actually defines a ‘Hot topic’ in Medical Education, and the importance of thinking about why and how we find out about what’s new and upcoming in our discipline.
While I was thinking about what to discuss, I realised that what I think is a hot topic might be just lukewarm to other people. We are all driven by different interests, experiences, and priorities.
In the hope of finding relevant and interesting subjects I started by looking into why a topic is hot, how they are identified and why this is important (which links back to why a topic is hot). This led me to what main areas of medical education are currently widely considered to be hot, and we look forward to exploring some of these in more depth in future hot topic blogs.
Why are topics considered ‘hot’?
Hot topics are influenced by various social and cultural contexts and needs, and may be hot because they are:
Within medical education, and by extension pedagogical research in this field, there are a wide range of factors that have been identified to contribute to hotness:
Advancements in knowledge and technology: It has been estimated that new medical information doubles every 73 days. What and how to teach and the evaluation of learning needs to keep pace with these developments. How to prepare students to deal with such rapid developments and to be life-long learners is also a priority. Advances in technology for teaching and learning as well as the practice of medicine are transforming healthcare and its education. Adapting education to these technological changes will ensure future healthcare professionals are prepared to utilise these tools effectively.
Patient-centred care: With ever-changing healthcare needs and demographics, education research is needed to address the teaching of emerging health concerns, population health management, and the needs of diverse patient populations. This is twinned with a need for more consideration of patients’ values, preferences, and needs when making healthcare decisions therefore effective education in communication skills, empathy, cultural competence, and shared decision-making.
Interprofessional collaboration: Effective co-training of different healthcare professionals to foster teamwork skills to prepare students for collaborative healthcare environments.
Accreditation, regulation, stakeholder input: Accreditation bodies and regulatory agencies may revise guidelines to promote quality, safety, and innovation in medical education, prompting educational institutions to adapt their curricula accordingly. Such changes can drive research in this area. Likewise, public expectations, patient advocacy, and input from stakeholders (e.g., healthcare providers, patients, policymakers) play a role in shaping medical education and its research. These can influence curriculum content, teaching methods, and the overall educational experience.
Global health and environmental challenges: Global health issues, such as pandemics, emerging infectious diseases, health disparities, as well as environmental contexts highlight the need for a globally competent healthcare workforce. Medical education is addressing these challenges by incorporating global health content, cross-cultural training, and exposure to international healthcare systems.
Then of course there is medical education research itself and the innovation and design that comes with sharing evidence-based practice. This contributes to the evolution of medical education by identifying effective teaching methods, assessment tools, and strategies for continued professional development and aiming to ensure that innovation is beneficial.
How do hot topics get identified and become ‘hot’?
You may initially think that hot topics are simply those that are most prevalent in the current medical education journals, and this may well be true. Most things move in cycles and there are often trends for the types of issues that we see and trends in the solutions implemented. But, when you think about it, how do we find out what is prevalent or ‘trending’ at any given time?
There are number of ways to identify recurring themes, emerging topics and changes in research focus and involve both quantitative and qualitative research methods, and there is some overlap in the methods used. Examples include:
Literature review: The systematic search, selection, and evaluation of relevant studies.
Bibliometric analysis: Analysis of publication and citation patterns over time to provide insight into the volume of research, popular topics, influential authors, and collaborations within the field.
Content analysis: Systematically categorise and analyse the content of research articles, conference proceedings to identify patterns and trends in research articles, social media discussions and online forums.
Surveys/questionnaires: Analysis of perceptions and attitudes of educational practices and emerging trends.
Interviews/focus groups: In-depth exploration of topics and contextual information.
Let’s look at an example:
Ji et al (2018) used social network analysis to identify changing trends in medical education and interpreted their findings to suggest 5 eras of medical education:
Figure. Ji et al Eras of medical education research
Hot topic research is important to ensure that medical education remains dynamic, responsive, and aligned with the evolving demands of the healthcare field and the needs of the learner. It supports the continuous improvement of medical education, leading to better-prepared healthcare professionals and ultimately improved patient outcomes.
Identifying hot topics helps time-limited researchers and educators stay informed about the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in medical knowledge, education and assessment practices to enhance teaching and learning methods, and to focus efforts on areas that require attention. This can then inform curriculum development and promote evidence-based practices.
Sharing hot topic research also helps to foster collaboration and networking among those with shared interests, leading to the exchange of ideas and development of research networks. As this grows, this helps institutions and funders prioritise and allocate resources by identifying areas of high research interest and impact. This is particularly important in identifying areas of medical education that are under-researched or require further attention.
What is hot right now?
Here are 8 of the hottest topics currently shaping medical education research in 2023:
Technology in education: Virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Digital tools to engage with, filter and disseminate information that are interactive, efficient, and individualised.
Experiential and simulation-based learning: Through VR and AR, standardised patients, manikins, clinical scenarios to allow students to practice complex procedures and decision-making in a safe and controlled environment, improving their skills, confidence and safety.
Interdisciplinary education and team-based learning: Students from various healthcare disciplines learn about, from and with each other collaboratively. Case-based discussions and interprofessional simulations and debriefing, allow students to develop the skills needed to function in teams. It improves patient outcomes and enhances healthcare delivery and professional satisfaction by encouraging mutual respect, understanding, and effective communication.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion: Recruitment and retention of students from diverse backgrounds so that the healthcare profession better represents the patient population. Educating students in culturally appropriate care practices and social determinants of health. Learning environments to promote respect for diverse perspectives and equality of opportunities.
Competency-based education: Teaching and assessing ability to perform specific tasks and skills rather than relying solely on traditional exams to ensure proficiency in essential competencies required for clinical practice.
Biopsychosocial education: Effective teaching and learning to provide a more holistic, ethical and comprehensive approach to patient case.
Wellness and resilience: Self-care, stress management, and mental health support approaches such as mindfulness and peer support networks. Curriculum reform, including flexible scheduling, reducing workload and modifying assessment practices to create a healthier learning environment and promote a culture of empathy and compassion in healthcare.
Data-driven and evidence-based medicine: Education in critical appraisal of biomedical literature, interpret research findings, and apply evidence-based practices in clinical decision-making.
So, I hope it is interesting to consider why we should know the hot topics for research and identify topics that are warming up so that we can strive towards thoroughness in medical education research. We look forward to sharing more hot topics through the BMERG blog.
“Medical education is not just a program for building knowledge and skills in its recipients… it is also an experience which creates attitudes and expectations.” Abraham Flexner
As part of our objective to ‘Innovate and Inspire’, this page is dedicated to showcasing not only the work of these individuals, but also a bit about their journey and their top tips for working in the discipline.
Annie is the Director of BMERG, which she conceptualised as part of her vision to build the infrastructure needed to enhance the educational research portfolio at Bristol Medical School. She is the currently the School Education Director for Bristol Medical School and the Programme Director for the Teaching and Learning for Healthcare Professional Programmes (
You can now follow Bristol Medical Education Research Group on Twitter!
Whilst there are of course many different social media platforms that offer ways of collaborating and learning, you will find on twitter most of the big medical education associations and publishers, along with many educators and researchers who share practice ideas through their content. So for now at least, twitter remains a great platform for connecting with the rest of the Medical Education community.
BMERG will also be regularly sharing news and events from Bristol through its new twitter account, as well as highlighting the work of other colleagues from around the world with ideas on best practice in Medical Education. Follow us at @BristolUniBMERG
Not sure who to follow?
If you are new to twitter, here is a list of a few great medical education feeds to get you started:
Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals, Bristol @TLHPBristol
This publication call is one for all the Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary and Biological Sciences students out there who are looking to publish their work.
INSPIRE posters about publication submission calls 2023
The Inspire Student Research Journal is written, peer reviewed and edited by students. The journal is a great opportunity to experience science publishing and have your name in print. This year’s editorial team are looking for Med, Vet, Dentistry and Biomedical articles for the 2023 issues. These could be: research papers from your course; opinion pieces; reviews; features on intercalation, events or electives; cover art; creative writing and more…
They are also creating a special edition on One Health – the concept of human, animal and planetary health being interlinked. It is up to you how to interpret the theme, for example whether it’s the impact of single use plastics or antibiotic resistance and factory farming to cross species infectious diseases or food system failures.
Deadline for the Autumn issue: 12 June
Deadline for the One Health special: 11 September
If you are a Medicine, Veterinary or Dentistry student and would like to act as a peer reviewer then please send us your details.
BMERG has won an Award from the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) to launch the work of the group across the next academic year
Flyer of winners of ASME Educator Development Awards from ASME 2022
We are thrilled to announce that the BMERG team have won an Educator Development Award from the Association of Medical Education (ASME).
These sought after awards are aimed to provide funding to support educator development. We look forward to sharing more about how this funding will support us to build and develop the community of practice to support excellence in Medical Education Research at Bristol in the coming months.
As part of the work of the new BMERG group, one of our missions is to maximise the visibility of the work of researchers and innovators in Medical Education here at the University of Bristol Medical School.
Part of this was the creation of this blog – we are glad you’re here and don’t forget to click subscribe to get regular updates and news if you haven’t done already! We also wanted to give medical education research a space on the University webpages alongside our highly successful and established clinical research institutes.
The BMERG webpage is now live on the Bristol Medical School webpage under the research tab. From here you can directly access links to the BMERG blog, the events pages and find out about our mission and objectives. You will also find links to the profiles and research of individuals undertaking medical education work and research here at Bristol (via the University research information PURE system).
We are very grateful to Mike Cameron, an independent digital education consultant, and Clare Tremlett and her team from the Senior Executive team at Bristol Medical School for supporting the BMERG team to launch the new page on the Bristol Medical School Website.
Welcome to the blog of the University of Bristol Medical Education Research Group, from Bristol Medical School.
This Group aims to bring together all staff who have an interest in Medical Education Research both here at Bristol Medical School and beyond. We hope this group will foster a great sense of collaboration between all those involved in the education of healthcare professionals, and how they might evaluate, research and share their innovate work.
BMERG was conceptualised by our School Education Director, Annie Noble Denny to bring together all of the fantastic work at Bristol Medical School around a wide variety of Medical Education research topics. BMERG is co-led by Sarah Allsop and Steve Jennings. Both are happy to be contacted about the work of the group at
Our research spans a wide variety of project themes across both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education delivery including curriculum design and innovation, assessment and evaluation, digital learning environment, equality, diversity and inclusion, student wellbeing and supporting educators.
Over the course of the next year, BMERG will be launching a series of workshops and guidance around topics such as publishing, collaborating, and building your profile as an education researcher.
You can subscribe to our blog at the side of this page. More blogs, news and events coming soon.